Lucifer (or Astaroth, if you will) is destroyed by Arthur! Notice that the crucifix replaces the shield in the Western world made Amiga port. I see three possible reasons for this... A) Elite realised that the majority of Amiga owners were a bunch of older geeky teenager types who wouldn’t notice about such, erm, ‘blasphemy’ in their software, or care about it if they did. B) The programmers were using the Japanese arcade board for reference and never realised the change in the US version. C) Elite copied from another clone of the coin op. I’m not sure whether or not Capcom replaced the cross with the shield in the European or World versions of the G’NG arcade machine but they might have not. Still, the more I think about it, the more I’m inclined to go with reason B.
Arthur has saved the day and no, he doesn’t have to go back to level 1! Instead, the game freezes on the happy moment (No return to starting point! No challenge again! Notice that Elite fixed the screwy Japanese translation too :)) BTW, the background graphics are obviously not supposed to be as messed up as these screenshots show but alas, the version I downloaded was very buggy (apparently, so were the versions in the shops. Shame on you, Elite for hindering an otherwise brilliant game. Saying that, it was probably rushed and I’ll take a completely-finished-though-buggy game over a half-finished-but-not-so-buggy one any day :))